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How to study effectively

How to study effectively   Plan your study-   It is smart to read your study with a plan. Some times your procession does not come true. In spite of those it is smart idea 💡.                         You have to consider how much page you need to study today. Then optimising your study time ⌚.  Draw pic. according your study-   It is greater way to imagine what you read. Example- you are reading about fertilization in plants you can art  two trees then two flowers 🌺🌻🌹🌷 on them, honey bee collecting their food from these, and fertilization is being taken place.  Making a smart card- Write your topic on smart card you can ruminate your study afterwards your studying. With a quick notes you can optimize your study time. Cards are always here to remember you about the topics.  Read less write more-  Writing is more effective than reading same thing lot of time. It act as booster to your memorising power ⚡. If you write you can memorise lots of days (according to your memory power).  Un