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How to lose weight

  How to lose weight (with out fasting and hardworking).  Introduction:   why fasting or hardworking, change your food habits. It may not good idea if you are fasting. Many folks are failed in this way. It is related with your body system. Which never can be solved by fasting  or hardworking.  Why aren't you trying spices as remedy. Believe me it is a good handy tool of your voyage against over weights.          Lets start.....                            CINNAMON It deals with blood sugar, lowers sugar, control diabetes.  It lowers your sugar craving tendency.  Use a sprinkle with your tea, coffee or a teaspoon cinnamon powder with juice regularly.                               GINGER It reduces the bad cholesterol of your body. Makes your heart stronger.  You can use it with you tea and along with your meals.                       ONION AND GERLIC They stimulate the enzyme related to breakdown of fatty acids deposit.                                 TURMERIC It prevents the buildin